cyanobacteria, blue-green algae:

preview-picture description comment
Anabaena_spec_2_K.jpg anabaena spec.
botanical garden, university Duesseldorf
August 2006
The picture shows an anabaena spec. with cells in different cell-division stages. You can see also the somewhat bigger heterocystis in the middle of the filament. Here the nitrogen processing takes place. At the contact points with the "normal" cells there are two light scattering granules visible. These are the so called pole-bodies. Through these the nitrogen-assimilates are transported to all other cells..
Aphanothece_K.jpg aphanothece spec.
garden pond
May 2005
Aphanothece-Rheinsand_K.jpg aphanothece spec.
Rhine bank near Urdenbach
Oktober 2005
Chamaesiphon-200_K.jpg Chamaesiphon spec.
February 2008
Chamaesiphon-630_K.jpg Chamaesiphon spec.
February 2008
Chroococcus-multicoloratus_K.jpg Chroococcus multicoloratus
Mucilaginous film from an old railwaystation wall
January 2016
Chroococcus_turgidus_K.jpg Chroococcus turgidus
August 2016
Coelosphaerium-spec_K.jpg Coelosphaerium spec.
August 2016
Cylindrospermum_GTeich-gross-Binsen_K.jpg Cylindrospermum
garden pond, bank
July 2016
At the end of the filament an longish akinet and a round heterocyst
Cylindrospermum_sp_K.jpg cylindrospermum spec.
garden pond, bank
Juni 2005
At the end of the filament an longish akinet and a round heterocysta. The right picture shows the habitus as seen with your eyes.
Gleothece_linearis_K.jpg gleothece linearis
Cologne-Wahn, moor
December 2006
Single cells linear arranged in a common gelatin
Gloeocapsa_K.jpg Gloeocapsa spec.
Slime on a wall at a railwaystation
January 2016
Single cells in common gelatin
Gloeocapsa-1000x-009_K.jpg Gloeocapsa spec.
Slime on a wall at a railwaystation
January 2016
Single cells in common gelatin
Gloeocapsa-1000x-012_K.jpg Gloeocapsa spec.
Slime on a wall at a railwaystation
January 2016
Single cells in common gelatin
Gloeotrichia_echinulata-100x_K.jpg Gloeotrichia echinulata
Seethaler lake near Tamsweg, Austria
September 2007
Overall view
Gloeotrichia_echinulata-400x_K.jpg Gloeotrichia echinulata
Seethaler lake near Tamsweg, Austria, Österreich
September 2007
Trichomes end in in long, colorless hairs
Gloeotrichia_echinulata-630x_K.jpg Gloeotrichia echinulata
Seethaler lake near Tamsweg, Austria, Österreich
September 2007
Gomphospaeria_aponina_K.jpg gomphospaeria aponina
botanical garden, university Duesseldorf
Dezember 2006
Merismopedia_elegans_K.jpg merismopedia elegans
north sea coast, Emden
September 2005
Merismopedia_K.jpg Merismopedia spec
Small pond near Hilden
June 2012
Merismopedia-fluo_K.jpg Merismopedia spec.
Birgelen, virgin forest
April 2013
Brightfield and Chlorophyll autofluorescence in 365 nm UV-excitation
Nostoc-(Anabaena)-azollae_K.jpg nostoc-(anabaena)-azollae
river Erft near Frimmersdorf
April 2003
The right picture shows the algae nostoc-(anabaena)-azollae. The pictures to the left show the fern azolla filiculoides. It forms a symbiosis with the cyanobactrium which is living in caves formed by the ferns leaves.
Nostoc-(Anabaena)-azollae-HF_K.jpg Nostoc-(Anabaena)-azollae
garden pondh
April 2007
The symbiontic cyanobacteriume of the fern Azolla filiculoides. Filament with heterocysts, at the contact-dots of the heterocyst we find the light scattering pole-bodies.
Nostoc-(Anabaena)-azollae-PH_K.jpg Nostoc-(Anabaena)-azollae
garden pond
April 2007
The symbiontic cyanobacteriume of the fern Azolla filiculoides in phase contrast.
Nostoc-spec_K.jpg Nostoc linckia
July 2015
Nostoc_linckia-HF_K.jpg Nostoc linckia
Heathland pond near Roermond
July 2016
Nostoc_linckia-Fluo_K.jpg Nostoc linckia
Heathland pond near Roermond
July 2016
Chlorophyll Autofluorescence
Nostoc_commune-makro_K.jpg nostoc commune
wayside of a little park in Benrath
August 2004
macrofoto, habitus
Nostoc_commune_K.jpg nostoc commune
savaged site in Duesseldorf Urdenbach
Dezember 2006
Nostoc_commune-phase_K.jpg nostoc commune
savaged site in Duesseldorf Urdenbach
Dezember 2006
same as above, but with phase-contrast
Oscillatoria_K.jpg Oscillatoria spec.
Small pond near Hilden
June 2012
Oscillatoria-Fluo_K.jpg Oscillatoria spec.
Small pond near Hilden
June 2012
Chlorophyll Autofluorescence
Schwindequelle_K.jpg The Schwinde-spring, Lüneburger Heide

Juliy 2008
This picture shows the habitat of the folowing 3 pictures. The yellow arrow marks the large, black, macroscopically visible beds of Oscillatoria limosa.
Oscillatoria_limosa-200x_K.jpg Oscillatoria limosa
Schwinde-spring, Lüneburger Heide
July 2008
Filaments are 15 µm width, cellength is 4 µm, filaments are non-bransched and have a small gelantineous shell
Oscillatoria_limosa-400x_K.jpg Oscillatoria limosa
Schwinde-spring, Lüneburger Heide
July 2008
Formation of hormogonias
Oscillatoria_limosa-630x_K.jpg Oscillatoria limosa
Schwinde-spring, Lüneburger Heide
July 2008
The ending-cells are flatly rounded
Scytonema_K.jpg scytonema spec.
Cologne-Wahn, moor
January 2007
The genus Scytonema shows false branchings. This means, that the branch is generated from two independent filaments and not by the cells of a single filament. Furthermore there are three heterocysts visible. Heterocysts are special cells that are able to synthesize organic (nitrogen) compounds from the nitrogen in the air. Also visible is the common mucous borderline.
Scytonema-a_K.jpg scytonema spec.
Cologne-Wahn, moor
January 2007
early state of branching
Stichosiphon_sansibaricus-Fuss_K.jpg Stichosiphon sansibaricus
February 2008
Epiphytic species
Stichosiphon_sansibaricus-Fuss-a_K.jpg Stichosiphon sansibaricus
February 2008
Epiphytic species
Stichosiphon_sansibaricus-Ende_K.jpg Stichosiphon sansibaricus
February 2008
Epiphytic species
Stichosiphon_sansibaricus-Ende-1_K.jpg Stichosiphon sansibaricus
February 2008
Epiphytic species
Stichosiphon_sansibaricus-400x_K.jpg Stichosiphon sansibaricus
Zoo Krefeld, Tropical center
August 2008
Epiphytic on Cladophora
Stichosiphon_sansibaricus-630x_K.jpg Stichosiphon sansibaricus
Zoo Krefeld, Tropical center
August 2008
Epiphytic on Cladophora
Trichormus_catenulus_var.affinis-HF_K.jpg Trichormus catenulus var. affinis
Pond near Hilden
June 2007
Trichormus_catenulus_var.affinis-PH_K.jpg Trichormus catenulus var. affinis
Pond near Hilden
June 2007
In phase-contrast the small gelantineous envelope becomes visisble
